Category: uncategorised

  • 90757817

    the site that the pervious post is on is occupying me now for a while. an amazing site with loads of amazing and simple flash/shockwave files. (nb: you need a fast connection to enjoy this site)

  • 90757816

    you can see the flash animation at this site. its a flash file based on a simple idea, done very very well.

  • 90757815

    a fantastic article by united press international on a possible reasoning behind north korea’s strategy

  • 90757814

    an exhibition is on in philadelphia (starting tmrw) about the futurist a. c. radebaugh its a bit slow at the moment cos of it been mentioned on (the /. effect)

  • 90757813

    found a semi strange but nice site.. some nice pictures of the shinjuku district of tokyo…