Category: uncategorised

  • 200068319

    putting the computer now into the big box.. moving tonight and tomorrow.. back online sometime tomorrow… bye ullanliina, hello pasila

  • 200068249

    around the time i moved from ireland, a show called sampler was on network 2. anyway they have the 6 episodes on the site in stream realvideo files. episode 4 has an interview with the people behind the slate magazine. hurray.

  • 200067966

    here is a website with links to loads and loads of links to tv stations all over the world… over 100 countries in there… you will need boadband, realplayer or windows media player and no javascript/popup stopper things going on..

  • 200066500

    i found a website that has some cool images of nyc. i only looked at a few cos its late and im tired.

  • 200066375

    a piece in the guardian last week about the legal implications of war in iraq and americas behaviour by george monbiot