Category: uncategorised

  • 200249637

    when i was home in febuary i went to a birthday party for my friend maeve. while there she showed me pictures of new york (she was there shortly before). well today she sent me a cdrom containing those pictures scanned. some fantastic pictures there, some of the most beautiful things in nyc looking as […]

  • 200241260

    these are taken from the intro to the original version of the “svefn g englar” video by sigur rós. they are releasing a single from their current album next week and they are putting their three videos onto a dvd. the version on the dvd wont have these quotes in it and is re-edited to […]

  • 200238186

    at this stage of my life i should be trilingual (and on my way to becoming �berlingual). a life time of speaking english, thirteen years spent studying irish, 6 spent studying french. right now im studying finnish. so that should make it four. but….. my irish is non existant. my french is incredibly bad. my […]

  • 200235417

    i presume everyone else in the known galaxy has seen this ad on television. bj�rn sent me the link a week or two ago. i found this daily telegraph article linked to on a piece. “it was like watching a brilliant footballer weaving his way the whole way through a defending team’s players, and […]

  • 200231943

    just did a new part for my site, its called nu (pretty imaginative eh?). its just pics of helsinki in a nice easy to browse format thats good for all the family.