i have some friends visiting from new york and they robbed a wallpaper* magazine from the airplane. there is some really cool articles in it, one is a photo essay by the fashion designer and photographer helmut newton. the essay consists of photos from nyc, vienna, moscow, las vegas, prague, miami and so on. some […]
getting packages in the post really is the best thing ever. boxes from home, from far off places full with this and that. i am pretty lucky to have a few people who are masters of the package sending art thingy. one more arrived today from hörður full of amazing photos and magazines. the outside […]
summer time has arrived. and with the arrival of each new season comes the new h + m billboards. last autumns involved almost every single bilboard and tram stop being taken over with ads of lovely lovely ladies modeling some clothes or jackets. for some reason there was no winter ads (here in helsinki at […]
in school the last two days we’ve gone to two libraries. on wednesday we went to kallion kirjasto and earlier today (thursday) we went to pasilankirjasto. anyway due to the nature of my finnish language course i am with a lot of people from all over the world. so ive become mildly fascinated with the […]
the space beside the new luas line on capel street in dublin one.