Category: uncategorised

  • journey home

    we just left a club here in helsinki called “kerma”, took about 20minutes to get home. a nice walk, then a nice train journey then another nice walk. the sun is just below the horizon, even though its around 0200. the sky is still many shades of blue. from light to dark. on the train […]

  • quick quiz

    normally these online quiz things make me sick. “what shoe polish are you?” “what monkey hair colour are you?” “what indie label are you gonna be signed to when you make it to the top?” things like that. suze from irc gave me this one and i did it in about 20seconds not really thinking. […]

  • 200404952

    nothing going on.

  • 200373933

    more pretentious arty pics coming up. i dont have much to say these days apart from posting old pictures. school is going okay, the art of learning finnish is eluding me it seems. its such a mathematical language. it would have been far better for me to try to learn it when i was 16 […]

  • 200368776

    0335 getting bright. i cant sleep.