testing using wbloggar again. seems to be working now. i got a new hard drive today after the last one broke over the weekend (well, it started to break, so i couldnt take any chances, i backed everything up and got a new one). most things on the new hd now. hurray!.
the inexplicable mob
the inexplicable mob. i read about it on wired.com earlier on, then i found a link on aula where i found this explanitory email: ———- forwarded message ———- date: mon, 16 jun 2003 15:56:33 -0000 mob #1 made national public radio! go to http://www.nextbigthing.org and scroll down to the last clip. you are invited to […]
typing finnish
after 4 months of learning finnish daily i still cant claim to be at converstational level. not even close. the last few days though ive started to actually have conversations with people in shops. well, not conversations, more so slight linguistical interactions. the pharmacy yesterday and two shops over the weekend. plus im starting to […]
spy tv
spy tv, the crappo tv programme was on telly here the other day. trapped under a big pillow i couldnt summon enough energy to get to the tv to change channel. and frankly the show scared me silly. ali landry (�repli-kate,� �who�s your daddy?�) becomes host of the new edition of the extreme covert-camera comedy […]
aula exposure
aula, the helsinki based organisation, that ive been hasseling to let me in for the last few months, are having a meeting to celebrate the launch of a new book. (the meeting is tomorrow). its called m.o.m. ’03 exposure. i only saw it on their website now. anyway. the line up looks interesting: 11.00 ferry […]