Category: uncategorised

  • cover stars

    this weekend was spent offline. something that doesnt normally happen unless im on a bus or a ferry or miles miles miles away from my computer. anyway, in stockmann on saturday evening, i finally gave in and bought a p�p magazine. i have been talking about this for quite some time. i finally did. then, […]

  • ilmapallo

    i found a balloon a few weeks ago. taking some friends on a little tour down around ullanlinna, when i saw the balloon rolling all carefree like across the road. ive never seen a balloon like this before. i picked it up, cleaned it off a bit and put into my bag. well, 2,5 weeks […]

  • one more…

    four years ago tonight i first heard sigur rós, (svefn g englar) bring played over a loudspeaker during an interval at mogwai at bowery ballroom, nyc. tjúúú. uhoh.

  • times squared

    well, its been a year since i moved from ireland to finland. its been about four hundred times harder than i thought it would be.

  • long time

    the absence has been caused by several things. boredom, nothing going on and general “here comes the winter” blues. but, due to several factors including helsingin taiteiden y� (helsinki’s art night) last night and cashing in 140� worth of coins has made the situation a bit better. anyway, last night was spent walking around a […]