edward said
yesterday the professor of comparative literature at columbia university in new york, edward said, died of luekemia after a long battle. he was born in (at the time) british controlled jerusalem and emigrated to america as a teenager. his parents were pasestinian and he grew up feeling at home in both arabic and western soceity […]
tomorrow we are going to a furniture fair in the convention centre (messukeskus) nearby. its called habitare and apparently all of the convention centre has been filled. so expect our apartment to be littered with hundreds of brochures tomorrow evening.
winters coming
winter is coming, and in preparation for the dark nights (and days) we are booking ourselves into a nearby sports hall for a few hours every week so as we can keep fit during the long winter. yesterday we went to a new one recently finished in kumpula. after we got some information we decided […]
there is a downside to having many friends visiting during the summer, its made worse by the fact that many of them are really good photographers. i spend most days wanting to photograph the city, its breathtaking sometimes and the fact that i cant take pictures of the things i see fills me with frustration […]
(happy birthday)