hong kong
a friend of mine, jody, is currently living in hong kong for a few months. damn him. anyway, when i was in new york a few years ago, a nearby chinease take away used to have a poster of the hong kong harbour in the background and every time i went in there for some […]
kumpula is a district about 20minutes walk from my place. its got many wooden houses and apartment buildings, an amazing place.
golden leaves
taken outside my apartment today. the office block in the background. the falt roof to the left. the tram lines and stops obscured by the most colourful leaves ive seen in a long time. i finally got a lend of a digital camera, and i went on a four hour tour of the city taking […]
bbc style
bbc world is my saviour. although too much of a good thing can be damaging. thankfully they have started putting in new programmes. one of the interesting ones is “dreamspaces“. upcoming programmes are: from 24th september : this week affordable city centre living, the building that taste forgot, britain’s new bridges and ireland’s national gallery. […]
huono messu
the furniture fair that we were at today was pretty poor. it was huge and had a lot there, just nothing much of interest. about 10% seemed interesting. ah well. i did get interviewed for german radio. so keep an ear out for that. also had a nice ice cream.