looking through that design site from the previous post.. i had a bit of a shock..i saw “pringle” in there as one of their other clients. anyone who knows me knows that i hate “pringles” at all costs. i have avoided consumption of them for most of my life now (any drunken consumption doesnt count). […]
i remember about a month ago on tv 5 there was an infomercial type thing about swiss (the airline formed to take over from swissair). the style and design of this airline is fantastic. colours and tones. hurray. brilliant. we saw some tickets and flyers at a recent travel exhibition here in helsinki… and they […]
hurray. holidays were really cool. got a lend of jodys digicam while i was in dublin and i got some cool (but basic shots) while on my travels.
off on hols till 17.02. bye
im going to be seeing sigur r�s next week in concert, hurray. and on sale at the gig will be a soundtrack they did for an icelandic documentary called “hlemmur” which is based on some of the people who live in and around the central bus station in reykjav�k in iceland. i am really looking […]