one night only
im listening to the new songs from the new album by sigur rós for one night only. i got a copy of last weeks amsterdam gig and im listening on looooooop. in an hour i shall not listen to them in any form until september 12th when the album goes on sale apparently. get them […]
two months and two days until the release of the new album, and two days since their first proper concert in two years means that its sigur rós season again. the compiling of reviews/setlists/images and the like has started again and will continue for the next month or so before a short break and then […]
nothing better than a new sigur rós song at the start of the summer to turn the excitement up a notch or ten! (any sense of apathy towards the forthcoming album was beaten away like ray mears hacking a jungle path with his trusty macheté! wack… gone!). september ish sees the album release and a […]
new tour
we just put the new sigur rós tour dates online. more dates coming soon. so no bitching!
my torrent tracker for sigur rós has done almost 200gb of transfers over the last seven weeks. crazy.