Category: randomness

  • 080402

    i like that its 080402 or 020408 today.

  • round up

    rté finally got rid of their pda site and replaced it with a mobile site. shame about the ad though. pixelache was pretty fantastic. i went friday and saturday. im doing nothing today. (pics). my ipod touch continues to astound me. really looking forward to fruits of the sdk. eboy did a cityscape of dublin. […]

  • page 123

    or for me, page 125. from i get tagged. 1. pick up the nearset book (of at least 123 pages). 2. open the book on page 123. 3. find the fifth sentance. 4. post the next three sentences. 5. tag five people. the book closest to me is a book on tokyo. called “tokyo: […]

  • post

    i got an email the other day from ebay congratulating me on my second year with the site. the reason i signed up for the site was to complain about someone out there (in italy) who took one of my images, downloaded a sigur rós concert from us for free – burnt some cds, printed […]

  • drool

    here are some things that i am cheering myself up with: eboy ipod touch skins on the armando iannucci show dvd on a save alafoss tshirt on waiting for a new power unit to come from la cie. (i really despise that external hard drives dont all use the same power cables).