magnetic north
recently on bbc four there was a two part documentary called “magnetic north” in which jonathan meades travelled from northern france to finland. whilst in finland he talks a bit about the local architecture: contrasting that of alvar aalto (above) to the national romantic style of saarinen, sonck etc. (below) aaltos buildings have always left […]
the live helsinki transport map that i mentioned last year got discussed in the guardian today. also, i just saw this swiss train locator: swisstrains.ch. (oh and the dublin one! [via])
i finally got around to uploading my camera obscura pictures from last august onto flickr. (set here) taking the principles of camera obscura (small lens which projects an external view into an internal space upside down) and a sauna (a private place for sweating out the stress and getting a re energising feeling) and a […]
heading home to ireland on saturday for ten days. been a tough winter.
a long planned tunnel underneath helsinki city centre looks unlikely now to be built because of a change of heart of one of the main parties in the helsinki city council. i wonder if audible gasps were heard from members of the other parties when the decision was announced yesterday. the tunnel was due to […]