aula exposure

aula, the helsinki based organisation, that ive been hasseling to let me in for the last few months, are having a meeting to celebrate the launch of a new book. (the meeting is tomorrow). its called m.o.m. ’03 exposure. i only saw it on their website now. anyway. the line up looks interesting:

ferry departs to s�rkk� island from ullanlinna jetty in kaivopuistonranta

a finnish brunch

12 – 13.30
the future of copyrighted media
jim griffin
jc herz – eric wahlforss
hosted by marko ahtisaari


14 – 15.30
riding the wave of personal publishing
dan gillmor
matt jones – tom coates
hosted by alex nieminen


16 – 17.30
creating celebrity, protecting privacy
joichi ito
kim weckstr�m – azeem azhar
hosted by jyri engestr�m

closing remarks
cory doctorow


last ferry departs from s�rkk� to ullanlinna

the cost at 1250� doesnt. (i hope the ferry price is included). anyway, the best thing about the thing for me (seeing as i cant afford to go) is the amazing background images used in the webpages.

one two three four five six

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