the first gig i saw at the iceland airwaves festival 2 weeks back was the icelandic band ultra mega technobandið stefán. in the space of about 30 minutes they rocked the venue – there was perhaps a hundred or so people there watching – about seven photographers up the front with very expensive cameras moshing along with the singer and taking thousands of pictures. the singers stripped off and was jumping around the place as his father was taping it all on video camera. the energy of the gig was just amazing.
photoset from their pravda gig on 2006.10.18: here
here are some youtube links: “cockpitter” + interview (in icelandic) + “story of a star”
they played a second gig on the sunday night in another venue – we had heard it was due to start at 0100 so we got to the venue at just before 0100 only to find out that they had started a little after 0000 – so we only got to see the last 2 minutes of (i think) cockpitter (see video above) which had four or five band members moshing in with the audience. (oh plus they are aged only 16 or something)