a little while back i went to see the film “the science of sleep” – directed by michel gondry. its one of the best movies ive seen in ages despite (or perhaps caused in part) by a linguistic mashup. the film is mostly in english and french with a tiny bit in spanish. the copy we saw at a film festival didnt have any subtitles – so a woman was sitting at the back of the cinema with a laptop and a fancy machine thingy that allowed her to live subtitle the french parts into finnish. of course it didnt work properly for most of it – so i was reading finnish, listening to french, still laughing at a previous joke in english. hohoh. i sat there smiling like a madman for 105 minutes. anyhoo go see it when it comes to your part of the woods.
previous: december 2003 rant about gondrys directors dvd set.
(i do sort of feel bad that ive started his other film “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” twice and not finished either time. just does nothing for me. i think i just prefer his own stuff)
omg! i just noticed/realised/remembered that the character of zoé is played by emma de caunes – daughter of “eurotrash” presenter antoine de caunes. madness. mmm.
also: the making of the film: google video link (mais c’est en français!)