this weekend was spent offline. something that doesnt normally happen unless im on a bus or a ferry or miles miles miles away from my computer.
anyway, in stockmann on saturday evening, i finally gave in and bought a p�p magazine. i have been talking about this for quite some time. i finally did. then, we went after that to a local bar, tori bar, to have dinner and on our way inside we noticed a supercool jack russell dog just inside the window sitting beside two people. while waiting for dinner (takes a long time there on weekends) i was flicking through the p�p magazine. i noticed that the dog on the front cover looked a lot like the dog we had just seen in the window. [from where we were sitting now we could see him occasionly as he was sleeping]. we spent some time while waiting for the dinner trying to sneak glances of him, to see if his features (all white except for a brown circle around his right eye) were the same as those of the dog in the picture. we were about 80% sure that it was. i then noticed that the dog in the picture was wearing a ladies scarf. then i looked at the dogs owner, she was wearing the exact same scarf!. we nearly jumped out of our seats when we realised it was the same dog. what are the chances?.