spy tv, the crappo tv programme was on telly here the other day. trapped under a big pillow i couldnt summon enough energy to get to the tv to change channel. and frankly the show scared me silly.
ali landry (�repli-kate,� �who�s your daddy?�) becomes host of the new edition of the extreme covert-camera comedy series, which takes hidden-camera comedy to the next level by putting everyday people in extreme situations and recording their uncensored and unpredictable reactions. in its second season, the half-hour long �spy tv� cranks up the excitement, boasting not only a hot new host and a studio audience, but all new pranks that continue to prove that people�s spontaneous reactions in extreme situations are wilder, wackier and funnier than anything that could ever be scripted.
the shows first “gag” was based around something simple enough, so simple i cant remember. the second was about somebody refusing to give back 20$ because it was counterfeit. with hilarious consequences. the third of the setups was bizarre and scary beyond belief. the person who thought up of this is, to be honest, an evil genius hell bent on exposing all that is wrong in america.
three men were set up. they were told that they would be employed for a night to guard a building. they would have to sit in a little hut and make sure no-one came in. as the scene progressed they guards (and the audience) became aware that not all was right with the building. and it became apparent that instead of keeping people out of the building, they were keeping people in. some sort of forced labour was going on inside. the three men all reacted at first the same way, all seemed to be completely lost by what was going on. they tried to ignore the shouts and pleas from the people inside the building. they followed the building owners requests to keep the people in. the owner electrocuted (with one of those semi harmless cattle prods) the people who tried to escape and then handed the prods to the guards and told them to do it whenever anyone escaped. he also pointed out a switch that would electrocute the fence when it was activated. all this in a “prime time” reality comedy show!. what caught my eye the most was the reactions of the three people who were been set up. the first, an elderly white man, seem incredilious but stayed on side the owner and switched on the electric fence when people tried to escape. the second man, a middle aged black man, was even more on side of the owner. at one stage he shouted to the escaping people “you aint paying my wages, he is, i’ll be keeping an eye on you” or something along those lines (he too switched on the fence when the people were escaping). the third man, a middle aged latino man, when he saw what was going on threatened to contact the police and refused to electrocute the escapees. all in all some fascinating television. how on earth the scene was suggested by someone i’ll never know. how on earth two of the three people who were set up can live with themselves knowing that they put the dollar over peoples welfare is something else.